How do I uninstall RegCure Registry Cleaner?
You are able to uninstall RegCure Registry Cleaner and eliminate all linked files from your pc. We suggest you close all your applications prior to uninstalling RegCure Registry Cleaner.
Please stick to these measures to uninstall RegCure Registry Cleaner from Windows Vista or Windows 7:
1. Make sure you simply click within the Start button, then select Handle Panel.
2. Now select Programs and from that group please decide on Applications and Features.
3. Lastly make sure you decide on the plan to be taken out, after which click on Uninstall.
Please stick to these recommendations to remove RegCure Registry Cleaner from Windows XP:
1. Make sure you click on on the Windows Begin button and pick Management Panel.
2. Now decide on the Add or Eliminate Plans button.
3. Make sure you choose the software you would like to get rid of, and click on Change/Remove.
4. Click on Uninstall from the confirmation dialog to finish removal.